



1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:面向安全助老的双臂协同机器人情感认知和行为交互方法研究, Research on Emotional Recognition and Behavioral Interaction Method of Safety-oriented Two-arm Cooperative Robot for Senior Citizens”. 有效期至2020.01-2023.12 (主持)
2. 国家自然科学基金重大项目: “面向航空EHA热流固环境多源感知和智能健康监测”, “Multi-source sensing under heat-fluid-solid environment and intelligent health monitoring for electro-hydrostatic actuator (EHA)”. (EHA重大项目) 有效期至2019.01-2023.12(参与)
3. 国家重点研发计划,网络协同制造与智能工厂专项: “大型掘进设备控制系统研发与应用”,子课题“大型掘进设备导向与液压驱动控制组件开发”,2021.1-2023.12 (参与)
4. 浙江省基础青年基金项目(杰出青年基金):“人机融合协作机器人多模态柔性感知及共融交互研究”,有效期至2020.1-2023.12 (主持)
5. 浙江大学教育基金新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)应急科研专项: “智能机器人技术在新型冠状病毒隔离病房辅助诊疗及促进患者心理健康中的应用”,有效期 2020.2-2020.8 (主持)
6. 宁波科技创新2025重大专项“柔弹性传感技术及其在可穿戴助行机器人共融交互中的应用”,2021.1-2023.12 (主持)
7. 世界大学联盟特殊资助计划——新冠病毒应急攻关项目:面向COVID-19 流行病干预阻断的隔离病房护理遥操作机器人系统(Isolation-Care Tele-Robotic System and its Efficient Utilization for the Prevention of Nosocomial Infection of the COVID-19),合作者: 杨珀(英国谢菲尔德大学),李永会(澳大利亚悉尼大学),(资助率15%,同年中国大陆唯一获批项目) 2020.10-2021.11 (主持)



The Development of Collaborative Robot Skin (From 1st to 5th Version)

Our research team has developed four versions of collaborative robot skin. 1st Version of CoboSkin is a Silicon-rubber-based e-skin with the function of force detection and proximity detection. 2nd Version is a Sponge-based e-skin made from sponge porous substrate and carbon black. 3rd Version is a Printed flexible e-skin made by Inkjet printing and direct writing extrusion printing. 4th Version is a Hybrid e-skin based on FPCB. It can expand units in a large area to cover the surface of the robot. 5th Version has a proximity perception function.






Development of The Robotic Platforms (From 1st to 3rd Version)

We have built three robotic platforms from RV1 to RV3: ① the RV1 platform is based on Yumi dual-arm robot and is cooperated with wheat wheel Omni-directional mobile chassis, and Teleoperation technology of dual-arm collaborative robot pose mapping has been used in the 2019-nCoV emergency project[LINK]; ② the RV2 platform, three DoFs structure of the body are self-designed for more flexible application and we cooperated with the China Academy of Art to carry out the appearance industrial design of the RV2 robot; ③ development of the RV3 platform is now in progress, with the software and hardware fully realized by ourselves, the structure of the manipulator is designed, and the motor selection and driving circuit are optimized.






Cloud-based robot sensing digital twin

The cloud server can subscribe to all topics of local robots in real-time, including posture, torque, speed, and sensor parameters, so as to realize the cloud visualization of robots and facilitate remote monitoring of robots by experimenters.

